Ectaco Partner ArER430T Manuel d'utilisateur

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ArER430T User's Manual
General View........................................................................................3
Power Supply.......................................................................................4
Initialization ..........................................................................................5
Display .................................................................................................7
Main Menu ...........................................................................................8
DICTIONARY ............................................................................................8
USER'S DICTIONARY ............................................................................11
PHRASEBOOK .......................................................................................13
ABOUT ARMENIA...................................................................................13
POPULAR IDIOMS .................................................................................14
IRREGULAR VERBS ..............................................................................14
PHONES .................................................................................................14
CALCULATOR ........................................................................................16
METRIC CONVERSION .........................................................................17
CURRENCY CONVERSION...................................................................17
HANGMAN WORD GAME......................................................................17
WORLD TIME .........................................................................................18
LOCAL TIME...........................................................................................18
PC-LINK ..................................................................................................19
SETUP ....................................................................................................20
Interface language .............................................................................20
Advanced search ...............................................................................20
Slang lock...........................................................................................20
Russian keyboard mode ....................................................................20
Key tone.............................................................................................21
Clock ..................................................................................................21
Date format ........................................................................................21
Time format........................................................................................21
Schedule alarm ..................................................................................22
Daily alarm .........................................................................................22
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 23 24

Résumé du contenu

Page 1 - ArER430T User's Manual

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...3 G

Page 2

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 10 Certain words and expressions in the dictionary are marked with the following abbreviations: sl. – slang авиа


Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 11 Spell-checker Vector Ultima When you are unsure of the spelling of a word, the multilingual spell-checker Ve

Page 4 - Power Supply

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 12 Creating a Record  When in a record list, press ENTER to open a new record template.  If the dictionary is

Page 5 - Initialization

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 13 GRAMMAR The ArER430T contains the English Grammar section. The Grammar is shown in English, regardless of the

Page 6 - Keyboard

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 14 POPULAR IDIOMS Over 200 widely used American idioms and their equivalents or translations are included in the

Page 7 - Display

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 15 Creating a Record  To open a new record template, press ENTER when you are in the record list. If there are

Page 8 - Main Menu

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 16 The first page of a record includes information on Date, Time and the audible Reminder. Date and Time specify

Page 9

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 17 METRIC CONVERSION With the ArER430T you may easily convert measurements from the British-American system into

Page 10

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 18 Once the language is chosen, a new game will begin.  Try to guess letters in the word by entering them from

Page 11

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 19 PC-LINK Using the ArER430T PC-Link cable (available separately as a part of the Communication Package) and the

Page 12

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 2 Memory check...22 Data deletio

Page 13

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 20  To receive data, select the Receive data transfer mode. Press ENTER, and the transfer will begin.  The tim

Page 14

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 21 Russian standard mode allows you to enter Russian letters in accordance with the keyboard marks. Russian phone

Page 15

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 22 Schedule alarm In this subsection you can turn the Schedule alarm ON or OFF. If turned on, which is the defaul

Page 16

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 23  Retype the password for confirmation. Press ENTER.  Always remember your password. If you forget it, you w

Page 17

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 24 Set sleep time The automatic power off has a preset delay of 3 minutes. This feature saves battery life by shu

Page 18

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 3 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on purchasing the Partner® ArER430T! This product is the result of the combined ef

Page 19

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 4 Power Supply The ArER430T is powered by two AAA (LR03) batteries. When the batteries become weak, a warning me

Page 20 - Russian keyboard mode

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 5  It is recommended to use an external power supply while using the speech and PC-Link functions. How to repla

Page 21 - Time format

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 6 The System initialized! message indicates that system initialization has been completed and the factory defined

Page 22 - Schedule alarm

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 7 Other shortcut keys open sections corresponding to the marks over the buttons (press SHIFT+ shortcut key; for e

Page 23 - Speech options

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 8 Horizontal scrolling enabled Main Menu The ArER430T MAIN MENU consists of 16 functional icons, which visuall

Page 24 - Set sleep time

Partner® ArER430T User's Manual 9  If the Advanced Search mode is turned ON, the headword closest in spelling to the portion you have entered s

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